Mackenzie had to come home on a apena monitor, pulse ox monitor and oxygen. The first night was very rough as I got no sleep at all so being up 24 hours was not cool. Apparently Mackenize did not like the bassinet we got her and failed to tell us that she likes the pack in play better until 5 am that following morning.
We are getting into the swing of things now. Tomorrow we have two doctors appointment which will be our first outing outside of the house. It's been all of bittersweet emotions but we are finally home.. Stay tuned as once i get suiated i will update a lot better.
Our very first stop. Our first family portrait outside of NICU. We love you Alexis.. You are forever in our hearts.
The first night is always the hardest. Luckily for moms it gets easier as they get bigger and you start to figure out what they like and dislike, and so you can get more sleep through the night. Welcome Home!