We went for our follow up eye appointment this past tuesday.. and yaay it was with Dr. Cheeseman. He ended up going to MUSC which is not a bad drive for us at all but we would follow that man anywhere. We went to the goose creek office which is about a hour and half give or take traffic. He is quite please so far that the tumor has not come back being off the meds now for almost two months.. But now he wants to do a "surgery" to help correct a weak muscle from the the tumor and her prematurity in the right eye. If left untreated she will be crosseyed in the long run. What he wants to do is go and cut under her eye, pull the weak muscle back and pull a stronger muscle over it. He said that if the weak muscle continues it's just going to tell the brain that it doesn't want to work anymore thus the cross eyed look. It will be a outpatient surgery, done in about a hour or two and he said she should bounce back by next day. We go back in nov for a follow up or we can decide to go ahead and do surgery.
We have the option of trying to continue to strenghten the muscle by her glasses and patching but our strong will child is having nothing to do with either. So most likely surgery is in our future. I've spoken with other moms who have had the surgery and they have had good results and its not as bad as it sounds.. But you know us and the word "surgery" just never sits well nor do i think it ever will.. It will always be in the back of our head of how we were told Alexis needed to go in for surgery and not even a hour later, we get the bad news.. I think life stops for a brief for scott and i everytime we hear that word..
Overall pumpkin is doing well. She has had a little crud this past week but Dr. Cope said that it's not settling in her chest which is a good thing but it's a combination of her still teething and just a little virus going around. I actually had to make my first "sick baby" appt last week because she just had this little congested cough and daddy and i have both been sick as well so wanted to be safe than sorry. It was so weird and i felt like such a bad mommy cause i actually sat in the "sick baby" area as well at the doctors office.. For those who dont know, most peditrician office has a "well baby" area and a "sick baby " area.. i"m glad though we were the only ones in that waiting area and we got called back pretty quickly.
I did feel pretty proud though when we got a nurse we haven't seen in our past few visits here (we had her early on) and she was amazed about how big pumpkin has gotten. She weighed in at 15lbs 12 ozs..Hard to believe that i will have a 16 pounder on my hands before i know it. She has been eating so well and i've even been given her table food. only soft stuff though that she can still mush as no teefeys have come in yet.. She loves her some puffs and her mums mums as well..
She is crawling all over the place now and she thinks mommy is a jungle jim when it's time to lay down. She is pulling herself up way more and has also figured out how to turn around in her high chair thing that attaches to the table and stand up in.. Lord help us.. :0)

Thursday, September 20, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Sergeant Daddy
Sorry that it's been so long since my last post. it's been quite the month. A lot has happened so to speak and then time has just not been on my side.. But most recently and it's because i want to shout it out... I am so proud of Scott and all the work and time he has put in and through all that lifet has thrown at us, his hard work has paid off. Last friday, Mackenzie and I made our morning call to daddy to check in with him.. and he just nonchalantly said, " Mackenzie, you can call me daddy sergeant now" and i was like what.. huh..
Yep, Scott got a promotion. He went from Master Deputy (next after sgt. on a shift) to Sergeant over his own shift.. He started this past wednesday and boy did they move him quick. He is a little bit further away from home but we couldn't be more proud of him.. We love you so very much Sergeant Daddy. So be safe out there..
Yep, Scott got a promotion. He went from Master Deputy (next after sgt. on a shift) to Sergeant over his own shift.. He started this past wednesday and boy did they move him quick. He is a little bit further away from home but we couldn't be more proud of him.. We love you so very much Sergeant Daddy. So be safe out there..
Sergeant Barber
Pumpkin has been doing good. The last I weighed her on the scale, she was 15lbs 6 ozs.. She is eating so much more these days. She only cares for the bottle in the morning, the rest of the time, she could careless. She wants her baby food and rice ceral and her puffs which she has now figured out how to eat properly. She is crawling also.I really thought she would walk before she crawled but apparently she is a electronic baby and took off when i put the dvd player down on the floor with her.. I can't upload the video for some reason. :0(
She still wont keep her glasses on, but we go to Goose Greek and see Dr. Cheeseman in two weeks so that will be good to get a update with him and to see where we are out. So far the tumor doesn't show signs of reappearing as she has not been off the meds for a little over a month. She has now gotten to where also she wakes up in the middle of night and wants to lay with mommy so needless to say i give in so that i can get a few hours of sleep.. Overall she is doing really good.. still being a little diva. We got to do our first parade this past labor day. Scott and his motorcycle club road in the chapin parade so we tagged along and rode in the truck and threw out candy. She had a blast but it was so hot.. she was just stinking cute as always.
We have a new biker babe!!
Hanging out before it all begins..
I love my daddy time..
I want to drive daddy, I want to drive
As most of you guys know as well, last months was Alexis's anniversary.. I took some days off from work just because i really and truly didnt think I was going to be able to cope. It was hard knowing that it has been a year and that we had to celebrate her death/life at her grave marker and not have her in our arms. I really thought i was going to wallow and just stay in bed all day.. But to my surprise, I wasn't. She was with me the whole day and she kept pushing me to get up. She pushed me not to be sad. She pushed me to get up at my usual time and feed Mackenzie and with doing that and having Mackenzie in my arms, it made me rejoice because to hold her and to just stare at her, she has come such a long way and that's what we need to rejoice in and not be in saddness because although Alexis is not on earth with us, she is living with and in us..
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