Friday, June 29, 2012

Chicken Little..

So have you guys seen the really cute little movie Chicken Little? it's got the little super cute chicken in it that wear's glasses? Actually i dont think i have seen it fully but i just always thought that the little chicken was just the cutest thing ever.. (i know you guys are going to giggle and tell me how wrong i am but you will see how so right i am. just google chicken little).. hehehe.

But needless today.. Pumpkin reminds me of chicken little. She got her glasses last thursday and suprisingly she leaves them on and alone. The only time she really begins to bother them is when she is tired and she always rubs her eyes when she is tired so she doesnt really know the difference ya know.. but i'm quite impressed with how she doesn't bother them. I think she likes them.
See.. Chicken Little..hehehe.

And it's made her into a rocker.. :0)

We are still waiting to hear from the new eye doctor on when we start to see them. I'm gonna give them through next week as this is Dr. Cheeseman's last day so want to give his office enough to get everything transfered. So hard to know we wont be seeing Dr. Cheeseman anymore who has been so amazing to her and us.

It's even hardered to believe that tomorrow our little Diva's are 11 months old.. In one month, they are going to be a year.. wow.. i'm already starting to cry just thinking that it's been a year already.. wowo..

She will always be daddy's little girl regardless of how old she gets.. (this is how i came home and found them one day)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MRI report is back..

We finally got all the specifics this past friday and althought it wasn't the greatest news we were expecting it wasn't all too bad either.
They said that the tumor is still present but that it has shrunk a great deal. They said that it is still wrapped around the inside and outside (in the orbit area) and still compressing her eye, but the good news is, is that her eyeball is now aligned with her other eye, it's no longer protruding. They say that she is farsighted so now she will be getting glasses and they should be here sometime next week so this will be interesting to see how she keep them on. They also said that her right eye (tumor eye) is a little weaker than the left eye and they think it could be due to the tumor so now we have to patch her eye for 1 hour each day to help strengthen her eye.
So now on to the plan: For those who do not know who read this who love Dr. Cheeseman, he is leaving at the end of the month. Him and the university could not see eye to eye so he is leaving and we are not sure where he is going quite yet. Last i heard, penn state was in the runnning but no confirmation yet. So we will now have to be going to Charleston to the Storm eye center to see Dr. Wilson as that is who Dr. Cheeseman feels comfortable with and who he wants us to continue to see. Mackenzie will stay on the medication till she is at least one (which can you believe will be next month) and then they are going to take her off of it to see what happens. She will have monthly monitoring still and we will just go from there. Dr. Cheeseman said that from the research he reviewed, kids over the age of one who were still on the medication had greater success of tumor not coming back compared to kids who came off meds too early. So hopefully another month and half will make tumor go completely away but only time will tell.. If it comes back, then we will just repeat medication again.  So hears to hoping we dont have to go through that. We are currently waiting to hear from Dr. Wilson's office as to when our appt will be so not sure when we will go back for a follow up.
Pumpkin is a little over 14 pounds now. Overall she is just doing so good.. She is sitting up so much more on her now. Still havent' seen the teeth/tooth that keeps nagging her to come in yet. She is always giggling and spitting her tongue out at us so much more. She actually got to ride in her first buggy ride last week without her carset and totally loved it. she just bounced and smiled at everyone.I took her in her first stroller walk though and the jury is still out on that one. She is still not wanting to attempt the crawling thing yet but in time just like everything else.. :0)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Still no word on MRI..

Just wanted to let you guys know that we had the MRI this past monday. We have'nt heard anything yet as far as results go. This time around it took a lot longer for the whole process. We got there around 8ish and she was scheduled to go back at 10 but she ended up no going back till around 11 as there was issues of some doctors wanting her to stay overnight and we weren't quite sure why as she has passed the 60 week mark. But she finally went back and we waited for over a hour and finally got word that she was done. I went to see her in recovery and she was just sleeping away. They said she did really good and now we are just waiting for her results.. Cross fingers and toes that we get a good report.